Training Program Of The Month




Leg press (feet high and narrow/low wide)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Leg extension machine (single leg)- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Body weight walking lunge superset with jump squat- 10 steps down and back/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Glute focused back extension (holding dumbbell/ body weight)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing calf machine superset with body weight calf raise- 10/20 reps- 4 sets



Seated dumbbell shoulder press superset with dumbbell lateral raise- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Cable rear delt fly superset with standing dumbbell front raise (palms down)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Plank to push up superset with triceps push up- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Cable triceps push down (drop set)- 8/8/8/8 reps- 4 sets



Lat pull down narrow (palms facing in)- 12 reps- 4 sets

Cable low row superset with dumbbell rear fly- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Plate loaded front pull down 12 reps- 4 sets

Bent over barbell low row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Cable curl (drop set)- 8/8/8/8 reps- 4 sets



Barbell hip thrust- 10 reps/ 10 sec hold at top/ 10 more reps/ 10 second hold again- 4 sets

Dumbbell reverse box lunge- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Banded goblet squat superset with band lateral walk- 12 reps/ 10 steps down and back (3 trips)- 4 sets

Cable glute kick back- 15 reps each- 4 sets



Barbell preacher curl superset with dumbbell skull crusher (use preacher curl machine for both)- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Machine curl superset with machine triceps extend- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Seated barbell curl superset with barbell skull crusher- 15/15 reps- 4 sets


Plate crunch- 15 reps

Alt leg raise- 12 reps each

Plank- 30 sec

Repeat for 4 rounds



Dumbbell floor chest press- 15 reps- 5 sets

Incline smith machine chest press- 12 reps- 4 sets

Incline dumbbell chest press narrow- 12 reps- 4 sets

Incline cable chest fly superset with standing low to high chest fly- 10/10 reps- 4 sets



1 DB curl

2 DB overhead triceps

3 KB hanging squat

4 Rear alt lunge

5 DB shoulder press

6 DB bent over row

7 DB floor glute bridge

8 Knee banded laying abductor


*** 30 Ball slam or KB swing or Triceps push up


choose 1 exercise (1-8) and do it for 80 reps then complete one of the *** exercises for 30 reps. Next choose another exercise (1-8) and do it for 70 reps then complete one of the *** exercises for 30 reps. Continue to take 10 reps off each round until you’ve completed all of the exercises (1-8)










Knee banded barbell hip thrust superset with knee banded hip thrust- 20/20 reps- 4 sets

Smith machine vertical leg press superset with barbell walking lunge- 20 reps/ 10 steps down and back- 4 sets

Smith machine Bulgarian split squat- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Knee banded floor glute bridge superset with knee banded floor abductor- 1/1, ½, 3/3…15/15 reps- 1 sets

Dumbbell single leg calf raise- 20 reps each- 4 sets



Single arm bent over cable rear delt fly superset with dumbbell rear delt fly- 10 reps each/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Cable upright row superset with standing dumbbell lateral raise- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Rope cable front raise- 15 reps- 4 sets

Standing dumbbell alternating shoulder press- 10 reps each- 4 sets

Barbell skull crusher- 15 reps- 5 sets



Band or machine assisted pull up- 12 reps- 4 sets

Plate loaded mid row superset wit dumbbell bent over row- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Chest supported dual cable lat pull down- 15 reps- 4 sets

Inverted body weight row- failure- 4 sets

Barbell spider curl- 15 reps- 5 sets



Barbell squat to alternating rear lunge- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Plate overhead walking lunge superset with ball slam- 10 steps down and back/ 15 reps- 4 sets

Leg press (sumo)- 15 reps- 4 sets

Box rear to princess lunge- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Laying banded kick back superset with feet elevated frog pump- 15 reps each/ 40 reps- 4 sets




Dumbbell single arm preacher curl superset with incline dumbbell skull crusher- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell curl superset with seated barbell overhead triceps extension- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Chest supported cable curl superset with dumbbell triceps kick back- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Decline crunch superset with decline reverse crunch- 12/12 reps- 4 sets



Barbell bench press- 15, 12, 10, 8, 10, 12, 15 reps

Incline dumbbell bench press- 12 reps- 4 sets

Standing cable fly high to low- 15 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable fly low to high- 15 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell floor chest press- 100 reps (less than 10 min total)- 1 set



1 Bench dip

2 Straddle jump

3 Box jump

4 Bench plank jack

5 Kettle bell swing

6 Kettle bell over head triceps extension

7 Dumbbell curl to press

8 Ball slam with hop

9 Push up knee tuck

10 Full sit up


Round 1 all movements- 20 reps

Round 2 all movements- 18 reps

Round 3 all movements- 16 reps

Round 4 all movements- 14 reps

Round 5 all movements- 12 reps











Barbell walking lunge- 12 steps down and back- 4 sets

Smith machine rear box lunge superset with dumbbell dead lift- 12 reps each/ 12 reps- 4 sets

Leg press(feet high and narrow/ sumo)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Banded goblet squat superset with banded feet elevated glute bridge- 20/ 40 reps- 4 sets

Calf raise on leg press(heavy)- 15 reps- 5 sets



Smith machine shoulder press- 15, 12, 10, 10, 10 reps

Rope cable front raise superset with dumbbell rear delt fly- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Single arm cable lateral raise superset with chest supported cable rear delt fly- 10 reps each/ 15 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell floor skull crusher superset with cable single arm tricep push down- 15 rep/ 10 reps each- 4 sets

Seated barbell overhead tricep extension- 12 reps- 4 sets




Landmine or Tbar underhand grip low row superset with wide grip swimmer row- 10/ 15 reps- 4 sets

Single arm dumbbell row- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Smith machine bent over high row- 10 reps- 4 sets

TRX high/ low row- 10 reps each- 4 sets

Barbell preacher curl- 12 reps- 4 sets



Smith machine single leg dead lift- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Box rear to princess lunge hop superset with jump squat- 12 reps each/ 20 reps- 4 sets

Laying band hip abductor superset with single leg feet elevated hip thrust- 20 reps/ 15 reps each- 4 sets

Single leg bench hop over superset with straddle jump- 12 reps each/ 15 reps- 4 sets



Seated dumbbell curl superset with barbell skull crusher- 12/ 12 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell curl superset with dumbbell skull crusher- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Chest supported cable curl superset with dumbbell tricep kick back- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Ab roll out superset with full sit up- 10 reps/ 15 reps- 4 sets



Dumbbell bench press- 12 reps- 4 sets

Incline barbell bench press- 12, 10, 8, 8, 8 reps

Seated landmine chest press- 10 reps- 4 sets

Cable fly high to low- 15 reps- 4 sets

Push up- 100 reps(minimal rest)



Bench hop over

Bench dip

Butt tap jump squat

Bench plank walk over

Straddle jump

Bench tricep push up

Box jump

Bench plank walk up

Step up

Bench plank jack

*** all 20 reps

20 kettle bell swings after EACH exercise



Back squat- 12, 10, 8, 8, 8 reps

Barbell hip thrust superset with barbell walking lunge- 15 reps/ 12 steps down and back- 4 sets

Barbell step up- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Box wide to narrow squat superset with single leg box jump squat- 10 each/ 10 each- 4 sets

Standing calf raise machine superset with body weight standing calf raise- 15/ 15 reps- 4 sets



Seated dumbbell front raise superset seated dumbbell lateral raise- 12/12 reps- 4 set

Standing cable rear delt fly superset with dumbbell rear delt fly- 15/10 reps- 4 sets

Seated dumbbell shoulder press (drop set)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Cable triceps push down (grip under wide/ over narrow)- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell triceps kick back- 15 reps- 4 sets



Band or machine assisted pull ups- failure- 4 sets

Lat pull down wide grip superset with bent over dumbbell row- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Plate loaded mid row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Standing cable high row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Barbell preacher curl- 15 reps- 4 sets



Band lateral walk superset with band monster walk- 6 steps down and back(3 trips)/ 6 steps down and back(3 trips)- 3 sets

Conventional dead lift- 8, 6, 2, 2, 2 reps

Dumbbell rear box lunge- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Box princess lunge to squat- 15 reps each- 4 sets



Seated dumbbell curl superset with dumbbell incline skull crusher- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing cable curl superset cable over head triceps extend- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell curls 21’s- 7 bottom, 7 top, 7 full- 3 sets

Cable cross triceps push down- 15 reps- 4 sets

Plate crunch superset with frog plank- 15 reps/ 15 reps each- 4 sets



Barbell incline bench press- 15, 12, 10, 8 reps

Dumbbell incline bench press- 13, 12, 10, 8 reps

Dumbbell incline bench press narrow- 12 reps- 4 sets

Standing cable fly- 12 reps- 4 sets



Pop squat

Kettle bell swing

Plank to push up

Hanging kettle bell squat


Dumbbell squat press

Rear lunge

Triceps push up

Full sit up

Kettle bell clean and press


Complete each movement for 50 reps






Goblet squat superset with dumbbell dead lift(RDL)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Barbell hip thrust- 15, 12, 10, 5, 5 reps

Leg press- 25 reps- 4 sets

Feet elevated glute bridge- 40 reps- 4 sets

Box princess lunge- 15 reps each- 4 sets




Smith machine shoulder press- 15, 12, 10, 10, 10 reps

Seated dumbbell front raise(thumbs up) superset with seated dumbbell lateral raise- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

TRX T-Y-I- 5 reps each- 4 sets

Chest supported band plus dumbbell rear fly superset with band plus dumbbell press- 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Floor dumbbell skull crusher- 15 reps- 4 sets




Band or machine assisted pull up- 12 reps- 4 sets

Lat pull down reverse grip-12 reps- 4 sets

Dual handle seated high row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell single arm row- 10 reps each- 4 sets

Seated barbell curl- 15 reps- 4 sets




Back squat- 5 reps- 5 sets

Bulgarian split squat- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Plate overhead walking lunge superset with jump squat- 10 steps down and back/ 15 reps- 4 sets

Single leg bench hop over- 15 reps each- 4 sets

Calf raise on leg press- 20 reps- 4 sets




Seated barbell curl superset with seated dumbbell overhead triceps extend- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing dumbbell hammer curl superset with seated cable cross tricep pushdown- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Rope cable curl superset with cable triceps push down- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Ab roll out superset with alternating V-up- 10 reps/ 10 reps each- 4 sets




Dumbbell bench press- 12, 10, 8, 8, 8 reps

Close grip barbell bench press- 12 reps- 4 sets

Standing landmine chest press- 15 reps- 4 sets

Standing cable fly high to low- 15 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable fly palms up- 15 reps- 4 sets




Floor glute bridge- 20 reps

Push up- 20 reps

Plyo lunge- 20 reps

Full sit up- 20 reps

Jump squat- 20 reps


Round 1- 1000 m row

Round 2- 800 m row

Round 3- 600 m row

Round 4- 400 m row

Round 5- 200 m row















Barbell hip thrust- 4 sets (1st set 10-12 reps for a warm up. sets 2-4 to failure shooting for 15-20 reps)

Barbell back Squat- 8 reps- 4 sets

Barbell dead lift (rdl)- 10 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell rear box lunge- 10 reps each- 4 sets

Band lateral walk superset with band kick back- 6 steps down and back(4 trips)/15 reps each





Standing barbell shoulder press superset standing dumbbell lateral raise- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Machine rear delt fly superset with seated dumbbell front raise- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Cable lateral raise superset with bent over cable rear delt fly(both single arm)- 10/10 reps each- 4 sets

Cable rope tri push down(wide/ narrow)- 12/12 reps- 4 sets





Lat pull down wide- 15 reps- 4 sets

Lat pull down narrow(palms facing in)- 12 reps- 4 sets

Bent over dumbbell row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Plate loaded mid row- 12 reps- 4 sets

Cable curl (drop set)- 8/8/8/8 reps- 4 sets





Leg press (single leg)- 12 reps each- 4 sets

Leg extension machine superset with jump squat- 15/15, 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell squat to alt rear lunge- 16 reps(8 lunges each)- 4 sets

Cable glute kick back- 15 reps each- 4 sets

Calf raise on leg press- 15 reps- 4 sets






Seated barbell curl superset with incline barbell skull crusher- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing alt dumbbell curl superset with Single arm cable triceps kick back- 10/10 each- 4 sets

Laying cable curl superset with dumbbell skull crusher- 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Plate crunch superset with Alt leg raise- 15/10 reps each- 4 sets





Barbell bench press- 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps

Incline dumbbell bench press- 12 reps- 5 sets

Incline cable chest fly superset with seated cable chest fly- 12/12 reps- 5 sets

Push ups- 150 reps





Triceps push up/ jump squat

Hanging kettle bell squat/ Mountain climber

Full sit up/ Jack press

Dumbbell squat press/ Toe taps

Kettle bell swing/ Plank to push up

½ Turkish get up/ Plank shoulder tap


*Start with the movement on the left and go till failure. When you hit failure go to the movement on the right and do 15 reps. From there go back to the movement on the left and again go to failure. Repeat this until you hit 100 reps for the movement on the left then move down to the next 2 and repeat.





August 2019 Training Program


Back squat (EMOM- “every minute on the minute”)- 10 reps- 5 sets

Barbell hip thrust superset with dumbbell walking lunge– 15 reps/ 10 steps down and back- 4 sets

Incline dumbbell hamstring curl – 12 reps- 4 sets

Leg press superset with jump squat– 15/15 reps- 4 sets

Dumbbell single leg calf raises– 20 reps each- 4 sets



Dual cable lateral raise superset with standing plate front raise– 12/ 12 reps- 4 sets

Incline cable front raise– 12 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable rear delt fly superset with seated dumbbell lateral raise– 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell shoulder press– 10 reps- 4 sets

Cable overhead triceps extension superset with triceps push-up– 12/12 reps- 4 sets



Chest supported dual cable lat pull down– 15 reps- 4 sets

Inverted bodyweight row superset with dumbbell rear fly– 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Plate loaded mid row– 12 reps- 4 sets

Rope swimmer row superset with bent over dumbbell row– 10/10 reps- 4 sets

Cable cross lat pulldown– 12 reps- 4 sets



Barbell rear box lunge– 12 reps each- 4 sets

Leg press (feet high and narrow) – 12 reps- 4 sets

Box split squat with hop– 12 reps each- 4 sets

Dumbbell floor glute bridge superset with cable deadlift (RDL)- 30/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Band monster walk superset with glute focused back extension– 6 steps down and back(3 trips)/ 20 reps- 4 sets



Standing cable curl superset with single arm cable triceps kickback– 12 reps/ 10 reps each- 4 sets

Barbell spider curl superset with dumbbell incline skull crusher– 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell curl superset with rope cable triceps pushdown (all 1 set)- 15/15, 12/12, 10/10, 8/8 reps- 2 sets

Knee to elbow with feet on box superset with decline crunch– 10 reps each/ 15 reps- 4 sets



Barbell bench press– 15, 12, 10, 8, 10, 12, 15 reps

Incline dumbbell bench press– 15, 12, 10, 8, 10, 12, 15 reps

Incline dumbbell press narrow grip– 12 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable fly– 15 reps- 4 sets

Incline dumbbell chest fly– 12 reps- 4 sets



You choose the order. The exercise you do 1st is 100 reps. The 2nd exercise is 90 reps. Continue this pattern all the way to the 10 exercise for 10 reps.


1 Plate crunch

2 Standing plate front raise

3 Goblet squat

4 Dumbbell floor glute bridge

5 Jump squat

6 Plyo lunge

7 Push up

8 Ball slam

9 Bench dip

10 Straddle jump



July 2019 Training Program


Conventional Deadlift- 12, 10, 8, 6, 6 reps

Treadmill lateral band walk superset with feet elevated knee banded floor glute bridge– 1 min each/ 30 reps- 4 sets

Smith machine rear box lunge– 12 reps each- 4 sets

Single leg bench hop over superset with straddle jump– 15 reps each/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Frog pump– 75 reps- 3 sets



Standing barbell shoulder press– 10 reps- 3 sets

Single arm cable lateral raise superset with standing dumbbell lateral raise– 10 reps each/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable rear delt fly superset with dumbbell rear delt fly– 10/ 10 reps- 4 sets

Standing barbell shoulder press– 10 reps- 3 sets

Barbell skull crusher– 12 reps- 4 sets



Lat pulldown wide grip– 15 reps- 4 sets

Lat pulldown narrow grip– 15 reps- 4 sets

Cable cross lat pulldown– 12 reps- 4 sets

Smith machine bent over high row superset with smith machine bent over low row– 8/8 reps- 4 sets

Barbell preacher curl– 12 reps- 4 sets



Barbell hip thrust– 20 reps- 5 sets(no more than 60 sec rest)

Seated hamstring curl machine (negative 6 sec/ regular tempo)- 8 reps/8 reps- 4 sets

Barbell deadlift (RDL)– 10 reps- 4 sets

Leg press (single leg)– 12 reps each- 4 sets

Calf raises on leg press– 20 reps- 4 sets


Seated cable curl superset with cable triceps kickback– 12 reps/ 10 reps each- 4 sets

Seated barbell curl superset with seated barbell overhead triceps extension– 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Standing dumbbell curl superset with floor dumbbell skull crusher– 12/12 reps- 4 sets

Feet elevated knee to elbow superset with alternating V-up– 15 reps each/ 10 reps each- 4 sets




Incline dumbbell bench press– 15, 12, 10, 8, 8 reps

Incline dumbbell bench press narrow grip– 12 reps- 4 sets

Close grip barbell bench press– 12 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable fly– 15 reps- 4 sets

Seated cable fly palms up– 12 reps- 4 sets




1 Ball slam- 12 reps

2 Bench tap jump squat- 12 reps

3 Bench plank walk over- 12 reps

4 Kettlebell swing- 12 reps

5 Dumbbell curl to press- 12 reps

6 Hanging kettlebell squat- 12 reps

7 Kettlebell overhead triceps extension- 12 reps

8 jump squat- 12 reps

9 Full sit up

10 Feet elevated knee to elbow- 12 reps each


**15 push up after each round**


Start with movement 1 for 12 reps followed by 15 pushups. Next complete movements 1 and 2 for 12 reps each followed by 15 pushups. Continue this until round 10 where you will complete movements 1-10 for 12 reps each followed by 15 pushups